This picture sums up Mautic’s recent appearance in Vegas at Collision Conference quite nicely. I snapped this pic from the rooftop penthouse on top of the Palm’s Place resort. It provided one of the most breathtaking views of all of downtown Vegas. I believe it’s the highest point in Vegas and I was told it rented out 2 nights before I arrived for $75,000 for one night. Lavish, over-the-top, and breathtaking and I had the opportunity to attend a special invitation-only event held here to recognize the best and brightest start-ups at Collision Conference this year.
While standing on this rooftop admiring the stunning view I could only think how well it typified Mautic and our growth. Here we are, a young community, growing incredibly fast, recognized for being incredibly easy-to-use, intuitive and with a fantastic user interface, and we’re overlooking the staunch, older facade’s of the rest of the marketing automation space. Yes, the future indeed looks bright. Mautic has incredible things ahead.
I was thrilled to see the hard work our community has been doing recognized in this way, and I was excited to share Mautic with the other startups present. We, as a community, have an opportunity to completely change the world. And not just changing business, but changing lives! Mautic gives change, opportunities, and hope.
Time and again as I spoke with people at the conference they were blown away by the capabilities of the software, our integrations with others, and ultimately the fact that it could be downloaded and installed for free. Even from some much larger corporations we heard exclamations of surprise to find out what we were doing and providing at no cost.
“Holy S*!@“ was the response from someone who shall remain nameless but works for a major CRM company.
But that’s the typical response I saw time and time again. Disbelief, followed by extreme interest and finally a deep excitement. Mautic is doing revolutionary things and the world is taking notice.
If you’re still not sure what Mautic is or does, here it is in a simple sentence:
Mautic helps you know your audience, listen to them and build a lasting relationship.
If you’re looking to save time, increase sales, and improve your life then you should take a look at what Mautic is doing. I think you’ll soon discover exactly why Mautic is on top of the world. Come see for yourself. You’ll love the view from the top!
About the Author
David Hurley, wrote this article after the recent Collision Conference in Las Vegas, where Allyde was invited to attend as part of START to represent the Mautic community. More can be seen on the Allyde website or on the Collision Conference website.