Contact information
Mautic is a community. We help each other, and we work together to improve ourselves and the Mautic software.

Getting support
Individual email support is pretty much impossible when trying to help a global community. The best way to get support is to check our super popular forums, where you are likely to find someone has already had the same problem and hopefully the solution will be right there waiting for you – be sure to thank them in that case! If not, you can post a new thread after three minutes, and viewing three posts.
You can also review the documentation which has lots of useful information.
Want to speak to sales?
If you’re interested in using Mautic in a managed capacity and would like to speak to our sales team about this, please make a calendar booking with one of the team at Dropsolid.
They are our official provider of the trial platform and give 40% of the revenue from their Managed Mautic service directly back to the community.

Privacy and GDPR concerns
If you’ve received mail from someone using the Mautic software which you’re unhappy with, the Mautic project cannot help you. Mautic is open source software which can be downloaded, installed and used by anybody. As such, Mautic itself has no control over whether those users are or are not complying with data protection legislation.
Reach out to the company who sent the email directly, we can’t assist with GDPR complaints, spam complaints or similar – you must reach out directly to that organization.
If you have concerns relating to privacy and data protection in direct relation to the Mautic project itself (for example communications coming from * properties), please reach out at [email protected] with an outline of your concerns or requests.
Reporting security issues
Mautic has an active and passionate security team who deal with all reported security issues.
Read the Security Advisory Policy which explains what they do and don’t cover when it comes to security issues, and once you’ve read it in full, report the issue via GitHub’s built in private reporting system.

Supporting legacy Mautic instances
If you need security support for a version of Mautic which no longer receives security patches from the Mautic project, from version 4 onwards you can pay for Extended Long Term Support.
This is compulsory for any organization where GDPR applies as you must always be running software which is being actively supported.
Find out more about our ELTS program, reach out to the team or sign up below.
Supporting Mautic
If you’re benefiting from Mautic, you should give something back to the open source project and consider becoming a Member, Partner or Sponsor of Mautic.
The open source project relies on the support of our amazing contributors for our ongoing growth – if you want to see Mautic continue to do amazing things, become a maker rather than a taker!