Mautic Governance
As Mautic has grown as an open source project, so has its governance which ensures that Mautic remains open, transparent and moving forward.

Governance models
Following the acquisition of Mautic Inc. by Acquia in May 2019 which included all assets relating to the Mautic community, a governance model was proposed and adopted following a period of community consultation.
Read more in the initial proposal and the subsequent follow up which addressed questions raised by the community. Subsequent adaptations were made during the Community Summit in November 2019 to arrive at the first version of the Governance model.
Further updates were made in May 2020 with the change in project leadership and introduction of the Founder role, and later version 2.0 was developed when Mautic became an independent open source project.
Using the Mautic trademark
The trademark Mautic is held by our Fiscal Hosts, Open Source Collective, on behalf of the open source project.
You may use the Mautic trademarks (including accompanying official logos, which is itself a use of the Mautic trademark) for your own purposes, but you must first obtain a license. You can either obtain this license automatically or through a license grant procedure, as further explained below in the policy.

Community leadership
Any member of the community who is eligible to vote and who does not have any outstanding, unresolved code of conduct breaches or investigations may stand for election to the role of Lead or Assistant Lead for teams and working groups.
We actively encourage an ‘up and out’ mentality which ensures grass-roots engagement and fresh blood coming into the leadership team at regular intervals, with a three year term for each position.
Mautic Council
The Mautic Council is responsible for the operational and fiscal management of the Mautic open source project.
They determine and report on the budget, manage all fiscal operations and employees of Mautic, and keep an eye on the overall health of the project. They’re also responsible for signing off large expenses, safeguarding and enforcing the Mautic trademark, executing any sanctions from Code of Conduct breaches, and approving any contractual agreements.
Democratically elected by votes from members of the General Assembly, each member as a three-year term and no more than two people with similar corporate interests are permitted to serve on the Council at any one time.
The council meets twice a quarter, with their meetings public on the Community Portal Assembly.