Why you should attend the first Mautic Community Summit

You might be wondering about whether you should attend the Mautic Community Summit on 1st November in Amsterdam.

Maybe you don’t know anybody in the community, or you haven’t had any involvement with contributing to Mautic yet.

You are not alone! More importantly, you are most welcome!

Hear from some of our community members about why they think you should join us for a day of helping to improve Mautic:

“This is the right moment for any person to jump in the Mautic Community. The recent events related to Acquia gives to the Mautic Community a renewed energy to face our new challenge, Mautic 3 and its future. This is also a great opportunity to meet people and contributors in person!”

Norman Pracht, Webmecanik

“Mautic is the perfect place if you want to start a career as a freelancer, and be at the centre of a shooting-star Open Source project! Come join us to get started with technical insides, business advice, and of course how to easily become a part of any Mautic team”

Ekkehard Gümbel, Agency Owner – Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing

The Contribution Day will lay down basics for Mautic 3. The plan is to upgrade outdated libraries at least. But I encourage anyone to come in with their ideas for necessary breaking changes, discuss them together and implement if possible. The last major version (Mautic 2) was over 3 years ago. This meeting will shape the future of Mautic.

John Linhart, Senior Engineer, Team Lead at Acquia

But I’m not a developer!

Mautic doesn’t only need developers to help with building and improving our product – we also need marketers and people with other skills such as translators, event organisers, even in legal and finance! Bring your skills, and we’ll find ways for you to get involved!

“If you are a marketer and you use Mautic, this is also a great opportunity to help to define the user needs and draw up Mautic’s roadmap. We will also be kicking off a Marketing Team to boost the Mautic Community’s marketing activities around new releases, outreach and generally improving our communications process, so we definitely need your skills!”

Norman Pracht, Webmecanik

“There are so many ways to contribute to Open Source projects if you’re not a developer – for example, writing good quality documentation so that new users can understand how to get set up and troubleshoot the most common problems. Often, it’s better having non-technical people writing these, as they are more likely to understand the experiences of our users and write in a jargon-free way!”

Ruth Cheesley, Mautic Community Manager

What about businesses using Mautic?

If your business is considering Mautic as a platform for your own use or for clients, it’s also a great way to meet the people who actually build the platform, and explore how you might be able to support its ongoing development. You will also get a sneak peek into the future roadmap for the product!

“Are you considering adding Mautic to your agency’s portfolio? This is the perfect place to learn about business strategies, technical integrations, future direction –  and to get your questions answered by people from the core of Mautic.”

Ekkehard Gümbel, Agency Owner – Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing

The event is completely free to attend thanks to our sponsors, Acquia, who have funded the summit.  We will also be going out for lunch and having a dinner somewhere nearby, so there’s plenty of opportunity for socialising alongside the practical side of ‘getting stuff done’!

But I can’t get to Amsterdam 🙁

No problem! You can join us remotely!

We will be using the #community channel on Slack (you can get an invite at mautic.org/slack) throughout the day to involve community members from around the world. We also make use of Jitsi virtual conferencing tools so you can come into the room with us and see what we’re working on!

We hope to see you there – either in-person or remotely – don’t forget to sign up on the website https://www.contributionday.org.

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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