Open Startup Report #11 – February 2024

A big thank you to Peculiar C Umeh who has taken on the unenviable task of helping me to update the Open Startup Reporting spreadsheet each month!

Key points

  • This month has seen more progress in signing up a new Community Tier member alongside two more individual members
  • The expected increase in employment expenses due to a missed invoice in October along with the Airmeet renewal means expenses are higher than usual, but anticipated
  • Mautic Conference India was a great success, with over 80 people joining the conference and over 30 coming together for the Community Sprint 



This month saw one further sponsorship for Mautic Conference India alongside a new Community Tier membership, and continuing monthly contributions from both Open Collective and GitHub Sponsors. There were two new individual members this month.

Description Amount
Sponsorship – Open Collective $1,805
Membership – Corporate $1,200
Sponsorship – Events $750
Membership – Individual $200
Sponsorship – GitHub Sponsors $136
Total $4,091


This month we had a double invoice from Open Source Collective for employment as predicted, as last month we noticed an old expense from October had not been approved and January’s expense wasn’t approved until February.

We would love some help with reviewing expenses in the Legal and Finance Team – if budgeting and finances are what makes you tick, be sure to join the #t-legal-finance on Slack and make yourself known!

Description Amount
Employment $18,319.83
Airmeet $6,500
MautiCon Funds Transfer $1,215
Host fees $369.10
Infrastructure $247.30
Travel and expenditure $246.44
Total $26,897.67


A big thank you to all the organisations who have contributed to Mautic in February!

These organisations are making Mautic and helping to grow our awesome community!

? You can always take a look at the data for the last 90 days via this link: and you can now view this month’s report here: 

⬆️ = Increase from last month

⬇️ = Decrease from last month


Most active companies

Dropsolid 432 (⬇️ 0.92%)
Acquia 313 (⬇️ 11.33%)
Axelerant 193 (⬇️ 33.68%)
evsadda 172
PreviousNext 88 (⬇️ 56%)
Webmecanik 74 (⬇️ 32.11%)
Friendly 73 (⬇️ 42.52%)
Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing 69 (⬇️ 78.30%)
Codefive 65 (⬆️ 4.84%)
Matic Zagmajster s.p. 45 (⬇️ 38.36%)

Top contributing companies

Acquia 183 (⬆️ 83%)
Dropsolid 111 (⬆️ 70.77%)
Devsadda 32
Webmecanik 25 (⬇️ 7.41%)
Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing 19 (⬇️ 20.83%)
Comarch 13 (⬆️ 30%)
Steer Campaign 2
octree-gva 2
Friendly 2
Bluespace 1

Contributions are as defined here with the addition of Jira issues being closed as completed, GitHub Pull Request reviews and Knowledgebase articles being written or translated, which we track through Savannah’s API.

Want to appear on this list? Get contributing, and drop me a line with your company name, domain and the folk who work for you and we’ll make sure that you are attributed correctly!


Most active contributors

Avinash Dalvi 413

John Linhart 216

Surabhi Gokte 178

Anderson José Eccel 174

Rahul Shinde 172

Mattias Michaux 129

Mohit Aghera 88

Joey Keller 73

Rembrand 70

Ricardo Freire 65

Top contributors

John Linhart 94

Anderson José Eccel 55

Saurabh Gupta 40

Rahul Shinde 32

Rohit Pavaskar 27

Zdeno Kuzmany 25

Mattias Michaux 20

Galokh66 20

Rembrand Le Compte 19

Aarohi Prasad 14

Welcome to our new contributors this month ?

Jonathan DAHAN





Rohit Joshi


Dominique De Cooman


Pasi Järnstedt





Rohit Sharma

Jae Toole


Top supporters

John Linhart 3

Rahul Shinde 1

dxhvier 1

jonathan 1

Surabhi Gokte 1

Joey Keller 1

Miami City Man 1

arielhc 1

toguna 1

jet1 1

Usage of Mautic

This month we are on track for a strong quarterly growth in downloads through the form on, as you can see in the chart below showing only two months of the quarter represented.


We also see a continuing trend of growth in the number of websites that are deploying Mautic tracking, with over 1,000 new sites adding tracking this quarter so far.  Next month we will see the full quarter’s statistics which will be more useful as an overview.

Community Health

We do tend to see a growth in activity and engaged members/contributors when we host events like the Community Sprint and attend events, so it’s not a surprise to find that represented in our monthly report.  We’re also seeing an uptick in traffic to the Mautic web sources as demonstrated below showing new users visiting the * web resources.

Chart showing new users on Google Analytics by month. There's a dip since 2022 but it's starting to rebound.

Traffic is starting to rebound when it comes to new users, we’re also starting to use more event-based tracking to follow user journeys through the website and learn what features are getting more engagement.

We had a whopping 448 contributions in February which is astounding, and a huge jump from the previous months. Much of this is work being done on the Mautic 5.1 release, which has over 200 pull requests merged already!  It’s great to see the huge effort going into improve Mautic, both as a product and also as a community.

Screenshot showing a chart of contributions over time. It's quite lumpy but there's a dramatic uptick in the previous 4 months.


This month also saw the much anticipated holding of the next in-person conference, Mautic Conference India.

Photo of the auditorium at Mautic Conference India with the team and attendees standing smiling to the camera with their arms raised in the air.

It was a great privilege to attend the event and deliver a keynote where we explored the state of Mautic and our strong trajectory of growth.

Photo of Ruth on stage at Mautic Conference India with a slide showing the Digital Public Goods announcement.

I also announced the exciting news that Mautic is now officially recognised as a Digital Public Good. Read more about that in our press release announcing the news!

I really appreciated the awesome job done by the team who organised the event – everything ran smoothly, and the event was a huge success by all counts. It was wonderful to meet so many of you during my time in India and see the great sparks of innovation, enthusiasm and excitement in the Community Sprint.

I’m excited to see the community grow and thrive across India as a result of the event!


This month has seen a huge growth in contributions which has been fantastic to see – and we’re continuing to see growth in adoption of Mautic, as well. 

Financially we had a heavy expenditure month but this was expected and forecasted due to a missed invoice and a renewal of our key conferencing software, Airmeet, which we use for our Mautic Conference Global events.

It was a wonderful experience attending the various events we’ve had this month, from FOSDEM to State of Open Con to Mautic Conference India – there are still so many people who don’t know about Mautic that we have such a huge opportunity for growth ahead of us – now we need your help to really maximise on the opportunity! Find out how you can be a part of the story here.

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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Open Startup Report #23 – January 2025

Key points Finances Income January has been a good month for income, with a Diamond tier renewal, a new Gold membership and a Community Tier


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