Mautic Needs Your Help

This week we’ve seen a lot of big news. First, a leak over the weekend shared the unexpected news that Microsoft was looking at potentially acquiring GitHub (and then subsequently announced yesterday morning the $7.5 billion purchase). At the same time, a bit further to the south, Apple was kicking off their annual WWDC conference. Needless to say the day was one full of excitement.

The June Mautic Newsletter

In the midst of this fantastically busy Monday Mautic released a June edition of their monthly newsletter. As our community continues to grow and more individuals step up and volunteer in various aspects of the Mautic product the newsletter becomes more and more difficult to curate. How does one determine what information is “most valuable” in sharing with the wider Mautic community. But this is a problem we are excited to tackle. And although we may never reach a perfect solution we are growing better each month.

In case you missed the email, you can see the web version here, or better yet, subscribe to the mailing list to be notified of future monthly mailings as well.

But this post isn’t just to rehash the busyness of yesterday. Here’s the real topic for today’s blog: Mautic needs you.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before and I’m sure you have dismissed those messages before as well, but maybe you will allow me to explain things a bit more and see if I can compel you to reconsider.

More than Mautic 3

One of the items discussed in the Mautic June newsletter yesterday was the incredibly exciting and future-focused conversations surrounding Mautic 3. The next major milestone in the Mautic releases. Please do notice the highlight in that previous sentence. Major milestone. Mautic 3 is not the next milestone. There are an as of yet unknown number of preceding releases which have to be effectuated first. As exciting as Mautic 3 may be and as much as developers in our community are eager to work on this future of the MarTech space…we simply cannot focus all our attention on this future release.

I’m sure there are some in our community who will breathe a sigh of relief at this pronouncement. You see Mautic 2.x is an incredibly stable and powerful marketing automation platform. This platform powers the work of hundreds of thousands of digital marketers. We *absolutely must* continue development of this release series while undertaking Mautic 3. There is no slowing down in improving our product. There is no neglect allowed for the issues which may arise for existing Mautic users.

The importance of Mautic 2.x

This leads me to the true call to action for this post. Not only does Mautic need you, but we need you for several very specific reasons. Here’s the most pressing of those reasons:

Mautic 2.14 is slated to be released on June 26. (This is the last Tuesday of the month as outlined by our previous release schedule.) But here’s the rough part…unless we get your help…this release won’t happen. Curious why? Let’s get down to the nitty, gritty, cold, hard, truth.

Mautic 2.14 currently has 46 open pull requests! We’ve closed 44. This means we are only halfway to completion for this release and yet, we have only 3 weeks remaining! Mautic 2.14 began April 25. This means we have gotten through half the open pull requests in 6 weeks. And I just finished saying we have only 3 weeks remaining — not including a beta freeze for full package testing. Are you feeling the full weight of what lies ahead of us? We have much to do.

Releasing on Schedule

If we are to release Mautic 2.14 on schedule we need everyone’s help. We need your help. And before you tell yourself that you’re not a developer and therefore you’re not able to help — let me stop you right there. Everyone can test Mautic. Some things are as easy as setting up our super simple PR Tester. Guaranteed you’re more capable than you imagined.

Once you’ve tested something give it a ? and we get two of those we can merge it in. And just like that you’ve helped out. Just like that you’ve become a full-fledged Mautic tester. If we are to hit our deadline and deliver the next incredible version of Mautic to the community we need everyone’s help.

And even if you don’t know code and you don’t know how to apply a PR, you can still test the outcome. When the beta is released you can setup a new Mautic and test the various functions to make sure nothing’s broken.

Get started today!

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