Celebrating our most successful Hacktoberfest yet!

Image of four badges with bronze/silver/gold/platinum and 1/2/3/4 and the mautic logo above.

As the autumn leaves fall in my part of the world and October draws to a close, we’re looking back on an incredible month of collaboration, innovation, and community spirit: Hacktoberfest 2024! 

But what exactly is Hacktoberfest? For those who might not know, Hacktoberfest is an annual, month-long celebration of open source software, held in October. It’s organized by DigitalOcean and encourages participation in the open source ecosystem, whether you’re a seasoned contributor or a first-timer. The event is open to everyone and all backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to participate. In 2024, there’s been a greater focus on low- and no-code contributions, which has been great to see.

This year, we’ve experienced our most successful Hacktoberfest ever, and we couldn’t have done it without the amazing contributions from our Mautic community.

Over the course of October we’ve onboarded over 50 new contributors, which has been a record-breaker. Together, we’ve achieved:

  • Completion of over 40 no-code tasks
  • Completion of 18 pull request reviews
  • Awarding of over 15 unique Holopin badges

Everyone who contributed received a ‘holobyte’ which allows them to claim our exclusive series of Hacktoberfest Holopin badges – don’t forget to check your GitHub issues and PRs if you haven’t claimed yours yet!

We’re incredibly proud of these achievements, but we also know that there’s always room for improvement. That’s why we’d love to hear your feedback on this year’s Hacktoberfest. 

Whether or not you contributed to Mautic during October, please take a moment to fill out the form here. Your insights will help us make future Hacktoberfests even better.

While Hacktoberfest may be over, the spirit of contribution lives on! We know that some of you didn’t manage to get around to contributing this time, but we’d love to have you joining us even outside of Hacktoberfest if you’re still looking for an opportunity to contribute to Mautic.

If this applies to you, please fill out the form above and select ‘yes’ in the field ‘do you still want to contribute to Mautic’. We’ll be in touch to give you a hand in getting started. You’ll receive an email with the relevant information for the tasks you wanted to contribute towards.

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who showed interest in contributing to Mautic. It’s incredibly exciting to see that over 300 of you cared enough to complete the form!

As we look forward to the future, we’re excited about the potential for growth, innovation, and community-building that lies ahead. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Here’s to many more successful Hacktoberfests!

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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