Announcing Mautic Conference Global 2023 (Online, June 21-22)

Inspiration – Education – Networking, for Developers and Users

It’s that time of the year again: Everybody is looking forward to the next world-wide online conference on Mautic. Thisvirtual conference comprises attendees including end-users, marketers, integrators, executives, editors, content strategists, administrators, designers, developers, IT and devops, and more.

And… We now have the date! On June 21st – 22nd 2023, there will be a packed two-day schedule. Talks and panels will cover all the various interests and skill levels. Moreover, multiple tracks offer languages like French, Portuguese or German – and of course English.

The yearly complementary on-premise Mautic Conference event (which took place in Belgium 2021, and in Brazil 2022) will be held in November, and is planned to be announced during Mautic Conference Global.

Important Dates for Mautic Conference Global 2023

  • February 27 – Session proposals open
  • March 31 – Session proposals close 11:59 pm UTC
  • April 14 – Session notifications
  • April 18 – Session acceptance deadline
  • April 21 – Sessions announced
  • May 29 – Pre-recorded video submission deadline (non negotiable!)

Speak at Mautic Conference Global – In Your Language!

We welcome speaking submissions on the tracks listed below. We especially encourage speakers to submit talk in their preferred languages. You are also welcome to give the same talk twice, i.e. in English as well as in your local language.

Submit your Session Proposal

Talks and Topics 

There will be tracks to cover a range of topics and areas of interest including:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Automation Best Practices
  • Growing a business with Mautic
  • Mautic for ECommerce
  • Developing for Mautic
  • Using Mautic
  • Scaling and optimizing Mautic
  • Privacy and Compliance
  • Open Source
  • Mautic Community
  • Non-English speakers are welcome to submit their proposals in their native languages.

Join the Organizing Team… Beginners welcome!

Being a part of the Mautic Conference team is the perfect first step into being a more active part of the Mautic community, especially for non-developers.

Interested? Please let us know in the #mauticon channel on Slack!
(If you are not yet using Slack, please get your free invite from

Volunteer for MautiCon 2023

Here are some examples for the different areas we need volunteers but please note that this list might be missing the skills you have so feel free to join us on slack and mention what you could help with. Whatever topic you pick, we promise to give you the best possible onboarding and support… You are not alone!


  • Track Leads – help to manage the session and communicate with speakers assigned to you for a smooth conference. For multilingual tracks we need leads who are fluent in the language to run the track.
  • Session review panel – join the team that reviews the sessions received and decides on which to make the schedule.
  • Support desk – A kind of front desk during the event, supporting users and helping people find their way around the event platform


  • Social Media: help us develop strategy for our social media, schedule and publish posts using HeyOrca.
  • Graphics Design: We use Canva to make it easy for copying design and making simple text changes. If you can help with creating new designs we would value your assistance.
  • Content Creation: Help us write blog posts, speakers or session features to drive registration, promote sessions, end of conference summary etc.


  • Help us to raise much needed funds for Mautic by reaching out to potential sponsors and selling our sponsorship plans.


  • Like always, we want to have great footage for intermissions etc., so if you an on that creative end, you’re very welcome here!
  • Also, we aim to release all talks on YouTube quickly. Please help us with the post-processing if you can

All volunteers get free access to the events as a thank you for your time.


Do you use Mautic or your organization uses Mautic, we will like to have you as a conference sponsor by choosing from any of the categories you will like to sponsor.

About Mautic

Mautic is an open source marketing automation platform that provides you with the greatest level of audience intelligence, thus enabling you to make more meaningful customer connections. Use Mautic to engage your customers and create an efficient marketing strategy.

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