We love finding and featuring our amazing community members who are doing amazing things for Mautic.
What is your professional background and how did you come to learn about Mautic?
So my background is that I am a young entrepreneur and I own my company that I bootstrapped. I wanted the challenge of creating something for myself. I have always run a little against the grain and I guess starting an business was a bit of an expectation I placed on myself from a young age. There are challenges with everything in life, if there aren’t then it is probably not worth doing. Right now I am essentially a sole proprietor but do have a few independent contractors. I am working with businesses that are stuck in the past and cash strapped. That means expectations are exceptionally high and margins are small, which makes for a difficult place to run a business when you are still learning the basics. However, the reward is that I get to build something that is different and that really hasn’t been seen before, and when companies finally do start working with me I get to see the tangible benefits to their business – that gives me a rush. I am really glad I found Mautic to help me minimize costs as it helps address the “cash strapped” issue with many of my clients. I learned about Mautic through Google and a couple friends who thought I might like the project.
What is one word that describes you?
Why did you decide to become involved with Mautic and what is your favorite part about the Mautic community?
I decided to get involved with Mautic because I think it is a great tool and the idea of open sourced marketing automation just makes sense. The control over data and flexibility that Mautic offers was the largest draw for me. (Though, I would be lying if the cost savings over other tools wasn’t a draw.) I really like that the Mautic community is focusing on similar projects professionally.
What is the most wonderful compliment anyone has ever given you?
That I am go getter with a strong sense of reason and morality.
What is your BAG (big, audacious goal) in life?
To be surrounded by people who matter and to not have the day to day stress most people feel in a capitalist society.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
I love to be outdoors: skiing, biking, hiking, and I really enjoy cooking
What is one thing that may surprise people about you?
I think most people are surprised that I can be emotional.
Dear Jeff,
The Mautic community would like to recognize your incredible dedication and support, and offer a huge, heartfelt, thank you! You’re awesome, and we appreciate everything you do to make Mautic the same.