Sponsor Mautic

Other ways to financially support the Mautic project.

Photo of a pink background with a hand holding a piggie bank and another dropping a red heart into it.

Regular or one-time contributions

The Mautic project is powered by the support from its members. There are many ways that you – as an individual or an organisation – can contribute to Mautic not only by coding and volunteering, but also with cold hard cash! You can contribute one-time or at regular intervals.

Donating financially allows us to keep our infrastructure up and running, cover the cost of running events, and supporting the community in other ways.

We manage our finances transparently through the Open Collective in accordance with our finance policy.

Membership versus sponsorship

Members of Mautic have voting rights, and contribute on an annual basis at fixed tiers.

Sponsors do not have voting rights and may contribute as much or as little as they desire, at whatever intervals suit them.

Often our members might also make additional donations – for example contributing a percentage of new projects they win or simply topping up their membership contribution with additional funds from their budget.

A small tree growing with soil held between the hands of the elderly and children with the green forest background.

Meet our Sponsors

$100/month +

Under $100/month

Acquia Japan


Ludovic Fourrage

Roundabout Media


Henry Weismann

Ruth Cheesley

Norma Oocha

John Linhart

Infrastructure sponsors

These organisations are supporting the Mautic Community by providing free or heavily discounted services that help us to manage our infrastructure or workflows.

Mailfloss and HeyOrca are affiliate links, where Mautic earns a small commission.


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