Mautic Releases

Find the latest Stable, LTS and development releases

Mautic follows semantic versioning for its releases:

  • Patch (bug fix) versions are released monthly,
  • Minor (features and bug fixes) versions are released every three months,
  • Major versions are released every two years.

Check out the release schedule for further details.

Long Term Support version

The Long Term Support version for Mautic is 5.2. This is actively supported until 30th June 2025 and receives security support until 30th June 2026.

Extended Long Term Support is available to purchase from January 2026, which will provide security support for up to two years (purchased in blocks of one year) until 30th June 2028.

The latest release in this series is:

5.2.3 Merope Edition

  • Requires PHP 8.1-8.3
  • The 5.x series was first released in January 2024
  • Long term support with no new features or breaking changes
  • Suitable for users who require stability over new features

Active development version

The active development version for Mautic is 6.0.This is a shorter bridging release which is to be released in Q1 2025 with no further features.

Extended Long Term Support is available to purchase from January 2026, which will provide security support for up to one year until 30th September 2027.

The latest release in this series is:

6.0-beta Orion Edition

  • Suitable for testing the upcoming release
  • This development release for testing contains deprecations, backwards-compatibility breaking changes, features and enhancements.
  • Please join #mautic-6 on Slack and discuss any bugs there.


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