Mautic Releases

Mautic releases follow semantic versioning applying a time-based model:

  • Patch (bug fix) versions are released monthly,
  • Minor (features and bug fixes) versions are released every three months,
  • Major versions are released annually when required.

Check out the release process for further details.

Latest Stable Release

  • The 5.x series was first released in January 2024
  • Recommended for most users
  • Includes the latest features
  • Easy to upgrade to newer versions

Development Branch

  • Mautic 5.0 is the lastest major release.
  • The working branch (5.x) contains features and the 5.0 branch contains bug fixes - please join #mautic-5 on Slack and discuss any issues there.

Mautic Release Schedule

Supported Versions

Branch RC Release Initial Release Active Support Until Security Support Until*
2.15 27 Sep 2019 8 Oct 2019 8 Oct 2019 8 Oct 2019
2.16 30 Jan 2020 13 Feb 2020 15 June 2020 15 December 2020
3.x 27 Jan 2020 15 June 2020 15 June 2021 15 December 2021
3.1 17 Aug 2020 24 Aug 2020 23 Nov 2020 30 Nov 2020
3.2 23 Nov 2020 30 Nov 2020 16 Feb 2021 22 Feb 2021
3.3 16 Feb 2021 22 Feb 2021 17 May 2021 24 May 2021
4.0 17 May 2021 24 May 2021 29 Nov 2021 29 Nov 2021
4.1 N/A 29 Nov 2021 28 Feb 2022 28 Feb 2022
4.2 17 Feb 2022 28 Feb 2022 23 May 2022 23 May 2022
4.3 19 May 2022 23 May 2022 27 Jun 2022 27 Jun 2022
4.4 N/A 27 Jun 2022 9th Jan 2024 9th Apr 2024
5.x Nov 2023 9th Jan 2024 Jan 2025 Apr 2025

*Security support will only be provided for Mautic itself, not for core dependencies that are EOL, such as Symfony.

Maintained branches

Bugs are fixed in the branch relating to the relevant major release, for example, 5.x, and a companion PR is made for the next minor release where it will be patched - for example 4.4.

Minor releases are made in the default branch relating to the current major version, for example, 4.x.

Major releases are managed on a branch corresponding to the next major version, for example 5.x.

If installing by cloning or downloading a .zip GitHub for development purposes (use a release package in production environments) you must utilise tags to check out a specific version.

For more information see our release process.

Maintained Branches

4.x - All feature and enhancement minor releases (e.g. 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3) were released from this branch.

4.0 - Corresponds to all bug fix releases relating to the minor release 4.0, will be archived once 4.1 is released.

4.1 - Corresponds to all bug fix releases relating to the minor release 4.1, will be created when 4.0 is released.  Will be archived once 4.2 is released.

4.2 - Corresponds to all patch releases relating to the minor release 4.2, will be created when 4.1 is released. Will be archived once 4.3 is released.

4.3 - Corresponds to all patch releases relating to the minor release 4.3, will be created when 4.2 is released. Will be archived once security support for 4.x is discontinued.

4.4 - Corresponds to all patch releases relating to the minor release 4.4, will be created when 4.3 is released. Will be archived once security support for 4.x is discontinued.

5.x - Work on the next major version of Mautic, Mautic 5.

5.1 - The latest minor release with features and enhancements.