Mautic Applies for Google Summer of Code
This is the time of year when Google announces their annual Google Summer of Code projects and Mautic will be applying to be accepted into the 2016 program
News, resources and updates which are relevant for developers who are working with Mautic. Expect news about developer-focused events, news about upcoming releases, tips and tricks to help you improve as a Mautic developer and more.
This is the time of year when Google announces their annual Google Summer of Code projects and Mautic will be applying to be accepted into the 2016 program
Learn how to contribute to Mautic as a developer. Mautic is an open source marketing automation platform that is built on code that everyone helps make better.
Create custom themes for beautiful landing pages, email templates, and more in your free and open source marketing automation software.
Interested in learning how to create a mautic plugin? This tutorial series will walk you through the process step by step. Build custom Mautic plugins.
There are APIs for everything. The popular ones like Google’s mapping APIs, or Twitter’s REST apis. But you can use webhooks to close the integration loop.
This initial theme development tutorial series focuses on creating a custom theme for Mautic which includes landing page templates and email templates.
Looking for example REST API and Mautic API documentation? This article gives a great high-level review of how to integrate Mautic API with third parties.
Interested in learning how to create a mautic plugin? This tutorial series will walk you through the process step by step. Build custom Mautic plugins.
The Mautic Developer Hub provides a great set of resources and Mautic API for marketing automation developers working with Mautic and the Mautic SDK.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
MAUTIC is a trademark of the Mautic project of the Open Source Collective.
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