Get connected with the Mautic Community

Come for the software, stay for the community! Get connected with our welcoming international community and collaborate with thousands of marketers, agencies, business owners, users, and developers worldwide. Support is provided via our Community Forums, so start there!

Photo of a person using a laptop and a mobile phone.

Keeping up with Mautic

There are many ways you can keep up to date with what’s happening across the Mautic ecosystem. 

Whether you’re a social media fan or prefer the traditional email newsletter, there are a range of ways to keep ‘in the loop’ with all things Mautic.

Below we have the main official channels where we share news, and in the footer you can find our official social media channels.

Remember to tag us on social media with all your Mautic news, we try to reshare and comment when we see your stories!

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Mautic Blog

You can find relevant posts from various parts of the Mautic community in our blog, from community news to product updates.

Mautic newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter lists – we have several lists so you’ll only get what interests you.

Mautic on YouTube

Follow us on our YouTube channel and be sure to subscribe to be notified when we release new videos!

Photo of a man with a laptop open and three other people sitting on a row of tables looking at him and listening to what he's saying.

Getting involved

Want to get involved in Mautic but don’t know how?

Regardless of your skills and expertise, there are many ways that you can help Mautic’s open source project to grow and thrive.

Below you will find some places where you can get more involved with the Mautic project, join working groups, attend meetings, help fixing and testing bugs and features, assist with our marketing and more.

If you want to get involved in another way or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact our new contributors onboarding team on Slack via the channel #new-contributors.

Community Portal

The Mautic Community Portal is where we centralize everything related to running our community.

Whether it be holding elections to bring in new leadership, team and working group meetings, or debating proposed changes, it’s all happening here.

Note: Use your forum username and password to log in.

Reporting issues

Have you found a bug with Mautic which you know is not related to your own configuration? Please report it so that we can get it fixed – if you can provide a fix and/or help us with testing the fix even better, but it’s not necessary.

Feel free to submit your report but be sure first that you have already searched the forums and GitHub to check whether others have reported the same problem.


Mautic is an independent open source project, and we value the contributors who helped us to grow and improve Mautic.

If you want to help and contribute to Mautic – whether through code or no-code skills – we’re happy to have you.

Learn more about how to get started in our Community Handbook – there’s lots of ways in which you can support Mautic!

Need some help?

Mautic Forums

Our forums are a great place to ask questions and for help around Mautic. If you want to ask questions and seek support from people in your country or who speak the same language as you, post it in the ‘Mautic in your country‘ or ‘Mautic in your language‘ categories.

Don’t see your country or language represented? Add a message to the relevant category, and one of our teams will create it for you!

Note: Once you sign up, you need to be active for 3 minutes and browse three topics before being granted reply or create topic privileges.

Mautic Slack

Whether you’re a marketer, an agency or business owner, a user, a developer, or a contributor, come and join our Slack to connect and interact with thousands of our awesome, welcoming community members!

Slack is the place where we collaborate as a community on all kinds of projects, and a great place to get to know other Mauticians from aroun d the world.

Remember, all support requests, questions, ideas and feature requests should be posted on the forums before being discussed in Slack.

A photo of an auditorium in Pune, India with a large crowd of around 80 people who had attended a conference.

Mautic events

We organize official conferences twice a year, in June (online) and in November (in-person).

Our in-person conference rotates continent every year which enables our worldwide community to have the chance to both host and attend an event local to them.

We also love to see and encourage our members to meet each other in person through local meetup groups, and eventually organize MautiCamps (locally organized conferences) and perhaps even bring the official MautiCon to their local area!

Mautic Conferences

We organize Mautic Conferences both online (Mautic Conference Global) and in-person (each year for a different continent).

If you want to participate in organizing, hosting or running our conferences, please let us know via the #MautiCon channel on Slack.

Mautic Meetups

Local Mautic Meetups allow you to learn more about all you can do with Mautic and connect with people who share your love for this project near you!

Can’t find one near you? Why not start one? It’s an easy process to get a Meetup group running, learn more on the Portal.


Where there is a strong presence of regular Mautic Meetups locally, the community may decide to organize “MautiCamp” – a local conference about Mautic organized by the local team. 

The next MautiCamp event is due to be held in Lagos, Nigeria in Q1 2025.


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