Results of the first Mautic Community User Survey

Back in June I kicked off the first Mautic Community User Survey. We’d been talking in the community for some time about the lack of information we had about Mautic users and how they interact with the software, so this was our first step into finding out more about you, and how you use Mautic.

We had 83 responses to the survey, and a lot of useful information was gathered as a result. Thank you to everybody who took the time to provide your thoughts.

In my keynote at Mautic Conference Europe, I mentioned some of the findings from the survey and how they have informed our Strategic Initiatives for the coming year.

As promised, here is the raw information and a graphic representation of the data:

Download PDF overview

Download raw data (redacted to protect individual identities)

We plan to make this an annual survey which we can adopt over time as appropriate, to help us understand what users of Mautic think about the product and community.

Thank you to everybody who helped with putting this survey together and reviewing the questions. 

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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