Q1 2021 Mautic Community round-up

Another quarter has seemingly flown by and here we are again with a quarterly round up of everything that has happened in the community over the last three months. Apologies for the delay in getting this published!

This also marks a year since I started doing these posts, and I would like to take a moment to recognise the huge amount of progress that has been made – especially given the challenging situation we all find ourselves in during the global pandemic.

Some highlights for you:

  • Establishing a governance structure and teams (Q1 2020)
  • Running our first virtual sprint (Q2 2020)
  • Appointing a full time Project Lead (Q2 2020)
  • Launching Mautic 3.0 (Q2 2020)
  • Holding the first ever worldwide conference, MautiCon 2020 (Q4 2020)
  • Established ways to financially support Mautic and provide transparency over the budget with Open Collective and GitHub Sponsors (Q4 2020)
  • Kicked off the first of our Strategic Initiatives (Q4 2020)

If you would like to read the previous posts in full here are the links:

Q1 2021 sponsors shout out

A big thank you to the sponsors who have supported us this quarter on Github Sponsors or Open Collective:

$100 per month and over

Under $100 per month

  • Weismann Web
  • Avinash Dalvi
  • Marcel van Nuil
  • Eli Logan
  • Tomas Poner
  • Joey Keller
  • Luis Rodriguez
  • Roundabout Media
  • Jan Linhart 
  • Khalid Zamer
  • Ruth Cheesley

Security release

In January 2021 we made the first major security release to fix two vulnerabilities that were responsibly reported to the team. We have also put together some formal documentation on how we manage security reports in the community, how we work on issues and make security releases which you can find here.

As a result of this, we also applied to become a CVE Numbering Authority and we were granted that status on 26th February. This means that anybody finding a vulnerability will have to report them to the Mautic Security Team in order to obtain a CVE number. 

Mautic 3.3

Our third feature release for Mautic came out on schedule on the 22nd February – a huge thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to this release!

There were several new features in the release which you can read about here – probably the most notable being the beta release (meaning we are still working on some outstanding bugs and invite your feedback) of the new and modernised email and landing page builder. If you would like to try it, read the documentation here and then enable it in your plugins.

Season of Docs Project Completions

A huge congratulations to Favour Kelvin and Swati Thacker who successfully completed their Season of Docs projects! Read more about the projects and how they have impacted on the Mautic Project here.

Favour has since stepped up to lead the Education Team and we are looking forward to her leadership of the team helping us to improve the documentation we have available.

We would also like to extend our appreciation to Google Open Source for the $1,000 contribution that was received as the stipend for mentoring our technical writers.

Announcing Mautic Conference Global 2021

After the huge success of MautiCon 2020, the team have kicked off preparations for Mautic Conference Global 2021 which will take place over two days on the 16-17 June, with a training day on the 15th June.

At the time of writing all Gold sponsorships have sold out and there are only three Silver sponsorships available, which is great news! Tickets will be on sale shortly and the agenda will be announced A big thank you to everyone who is supporting this great event!

We are also tentatively planning our first ever in-person conference (subject to the COVID-19 situation) for November 2021.

Spreading the word about Mautic

We have had a presence at two major events this quarter – FOSDEM in February and Inbox Expo in March.

Both were a great way to raise awareness of Mautic and get to chat with people about Marketing Automation. We are always on the lookout for events and opportunities to showcase Mautic – if you have some ideas or would like to help with this, please join #t-marketing on Slack (get an invite at https://mautic.org/slack).

Funding in the Mautic Community

I shared our thoughts on how we are taking some steps toward funding in the Mautic Community, including implementing Bountysource on GitHub and allocating budget to support strategic initiatives.

You can read more in the blog post here.

Code metrics

During Q1 2020 in the core mautic/mautic repository we saw:

  • 379 commits (383 last quarter, 1881 in 2020)
  • 179 new pull requests (170 last quarter, 644 in 2020)
  • 136 new issues created (116 last quarter, 621 in 2020)
  • 148 issues closed (184 last quarter, 1181 in 2020)

We have seen gradual improvements to the metrics relating to how we deal with issues and pull requests:

  • Median review duration (pull requests) 1.04 days (9.02 days last quarter, 7.11 days in 2020)
  • Median time to close (issues) 78.77 days (87.92 days last quarter, 309.95 days in 2020)

As you can appreciate, having over 170 new pull requests and over 100 new issues per quarter, it is quite a challenge to keep on top of them and get issues fixed / pull requests merged into the releases! This is why we really need your help to test pull requests – this can be done by anybody with a computer available who knows how to use Mautic.

In mautic/mautic we have had:

  • 39 authors according to Git commits (35 last quarter, 28 in Q1 2020, 82 in 2020)
  • 83 issue authors (92 last quarter, 76 in Q1 2020, 332 in 2020)
  • 42 pull request submitters (39 last quarter, 33 in Q1 2020, 94 in 2020)

Of these, we welcomed:

  • 19 new authors according to Git commits (16 last quarter, 12 in Q1 2020, 53 in 2020)
  • 51 new issue creators (49 last quarter, 43 in Q1 2020, 248 in 2020)
  • 19 new pull request submitters (17 last quarter, 16 in Q1 2020, 62 in 2020)

You can learn more on the Community Dashboard at https://dashboard.mautic.org or on our public cauldron.io dashboard.


It has been a really exciting start to the year with lots of work on initiatives getting underway! We are looking forward to the Mautic 4 release and also the return of our world conference – there is always a need for folks to help out in the community, do join us on Slack if you are interested at https://mautic.org/slack.

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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