Mautic Open Startup Report #9 – December 2023

Key points

This month has seen a growth in memberships, however we have not met the target we set for our end-of-year financial goals, being just under $38,000 short. The year end saw us with a positive balance of just under $68,000 across our various projects on Open Collective. Greater focus will need to paid to bringing in more revenue streams going forward, to ensure Mautic’s future financial stability.

We’ve seen substantial contributions towards the Mautic 5 release which will be made as General Availability in early January.

There continues to be strong growth in adoption, with a 120% increase compared with Q4 2022 in terms of deployed websites with Mautic tracking.


This month saw a strong growth in memberships, boosted by the Council elections which required membership to vote for nominated candidates. There has also been some movement in corporate memberships, but uptake has been slower than anticipated.

We end the year $37,756 short of the goal that I had set for the end of this financial year in respect of income from individual and corporate memberships, sponsorships, proceeds from MautiCon events and the trials project which will be launching next quarter.

With a year-end balance across all our accounts at Open Collective of $67,714.82 we can carry such a shortfall, but must continue to drive forward revenue-growth opportunities in the new year to ensure that we meet our goal of $205,370 income against a projected expenditure of $147,491.

The end of year balance of the relevant accounts is provided as follows for this year and the preceding two years for comparison – all amounts are in USD.

Account Balance 31-12-2023 Balance 31-12-2022 Balance 31-12-2021
Main collective 55,454.68 11,084.85 13,336.85
Infrastructure working group 1,014.81 1,052.22 3,958.22
Marketplace initiative 391.23 293.31 260.67
MautiCon India 0.11    
Mautic Meetup Valencia 217.01    
Community Team 167.64 144 2088
Bounties 3,600    
Next Generation 1,212.39 1212.03 1000
Education Team 0.61    
Builders initiative 1,225 0 0
Developer Days event 16.27    
Marketing team 1,224.01 2103 3235
LATAM community 382.84    
Product Team 379.92 2689.92  
Install/Upgrade initiative 428.3 428.3 428.3
Resource management initiative 1,000 1000 1000
Composer initiative 1,000 1000 1000
Season of Docs 22   7799.22  
MautiCon Europe     1009.06
MautiCon Global 22     4875
Total cash at bank 67,714.82 28,806.85 26,307.04

Several of the accounts (for example team projects) have positive funds which were not spent from the previous year’s budget. These will be factored into any future budget requests accordingly.


This month is the last month for Acquia’s monthly financial support, and we also signed a new Bronze sponsor this month. 

There was a strong growth in individual memberships, which was largely driven by the Council elections requiring membership to vote for the nominated candidates.

We continue to have some income from regular monthly sponsorships which is much appreciated, and this month Mautic Meetup Valencia signed their first sponsor of the monthly meetups.

Description Amount
Corporate membership $11,200
Sponsors $815
Individual membership $760
Meetup sponsor $100


This month we have incurred costs for the upcoming Mautic Conference India event which needed paying upfront and will be recouped via sponsorship and ticket sales. Other costs remain stable.

Description Amount
Employment (November) $8,685.28
MautiCon India venue $2,332.82
Host fee $1,287.50
Infrastructure $343.15
Sessionize license (50% off) $249.50
Postage $4.08


Kudos to these organizations that are taking Mautic to great heights and driving our growth! All set to delve into the numbers?

Let’s take a look at the statistics from the last 90 days: Mautic | Last 90 Days

You can now view this month’s report here: Mautic | Monthly Report for December 2023

⬆️ = Increase from last month

⬇️ = Decrease from last month


Most active companies

rectorphp 246 (⬆️: 602.86%)

Axelerant 145

Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing 144 (⬆️ 89.47%)

Acquia 118 (⬆️ 57.33%)

PreviousNext 96

Webmecanik 83 (⬇️ 44.30%)

Dropsolid 48 (⬇️ 14.29%)

Friendly 37 (⬇️ 15.91%)

Codefive 23 (⬇️ 25.81%)

Sales Snap 20

Top contributing companies

Acquia 110 (⬆️ 243.75%)

rectorphp 96 (⬆️ 772.73%)

Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing 22 (⬆️ 100%)

Webmecanik 18 (⬇️ 45.45%)

Dropsolid 8 (⬇️ 11.11%)

Comarch 7 (⬇️ 30%)

Friendly 3 (⬇️ 25%)

Bluespace 3

Axelerant 3 2

Contributions are as defined here with the addition of Jira issues being closed as completed, GitHub Pull Request reviews and Knowledgebase articles being written or translated, which we track through Savannah’s API.

Want your organization to shine here? Start contributing now!


A big thank you also to all the individuals who are helping us build this awesome community!

Most active contributors

Avinash Dalvi 286

Tomas Votruba 246

Surabhi Gokte 143

John Linhart 105

Rahul Shinde 97

Mohit Aghera 96

Anderson Eccel 82

Norman Pracht 47

Joey Keller 37

Zdeno Kuzmany 34

Top contributors

John Linhart 101

Tomas Votruba 96

Anderson Eccel 20

Zdeno Kuzmany 13

Artem Lopata 7

putzwasser 6

Patryk Gruszka 5

Patrick Jenkner 5

Rahul Shinde 5

Mike Van Hemelrijck 4

Welcome to our new contributors this month ?

Anderson Eccel

Pablo Hörtner

Mike Van Hemelrijck

Prateek Jain


Top supporters

John Linhart 2

Joey Keller 1

Mike Van Hemelrijck 1

Ekke 1

Zdeno Kuzmany 1

Patrick Jenkner 1

Supporters are folks who have had conversations with people directly before they make a contribution, so most likely helping with that process.

This month we had 6 new contributors ? (⬇️ 33%) and 57 new members joining the community! ?(⬇️ 8%).

Usage of Mautic

We continue to see around 4,000 tracked downloads via each quarter as detailed below. It’s important to note that this does not represent all installs of Mautic – we have a good proportion of people who install Mautic via Composer, via a GitHub download, or simply re-use their base Mautic installer files.

Screenshot of downloads over time

We’ve had a slight drop in the number of installs of the API library this month via Composer, but a rising trend of Mautic installs which has almost doubled – as measured by the use of the mautic/core-lib package.

Screenshot of composer downloads by package over time.

We continue to see strong growth in websites being deployed with Mautic tracking enabled, with over 5,200 being detected in Q4 2023. This represents over a 120% increase compared with Q4 2022.

Screenshot of all active Mautic tracked sites

Indeed, when we consider the number of domains with active Mautic tracking, we see just short of a 100% increase between Q4 2022 and Q4 2023 (from 19,531 to 38,801).

Screenshot of cumulative live instances of Mautic by date tracking was first detected.

We’re also seeing continued growth in GitHub star count tracking above the projected trendline, which is promising, especially when you consider Mautic’s growth against other open source projects.

Screenshot showing GitHub Star history for several open source project. WordPress is the fastest growing and Mautic is second.

Community Health

December has been a quiet month in the Community, with many people celebrating the various festivals around the world, from Hanukkah to the Winter Solstice and Christmas.

As a result, we saw less new community members and contributors this month, which is a common occurrence each year.

We did, however, have a dramatic rise in the number of contributions in December, up from around 130 per month over the last quarter to a staggering 351 in December! A vast number of these contributions are from people who are helping us with testing new features and bug fixes in the Mautic 5.0 Release Candidate, and also a big thanks to Tomas Votruba from Rector who contributed a stunning 96 pull requests to help update and improve Mautic’s codebase.

Something we are monitoring closely is the drop-off in numbers on our Google Analytics properties – this could be associated with the switch to Google Analytics v4. Prior to Q3 2023 we averaged around 120,000 visitors per quarter, but recently this has dropped to around 80,000, The marketing team will dig into this in more detail.

This month we also held our first Extraordinary General Meeting to inaugurate the Mautic Council – a milestone in the process of becoming an independent open source project.


Overall, December has been a quiet month with many people taking time off over to celebrate festivities. Despite this there has been a tremendous amount of work getting ready for the Mautic 5.0 release next month, with many improvements and bug fixes being tested and merged super efficiently by the core team.

While we are financially not quite at the place where we wanted to be, we have made significant progress since becoming an independent project and I take heart from the growth in number of memberships being taken out, that we’re on the right track.

Going forward this will continue to be a focus into the coming year, to ensure that we can stay afloat without the generous seed funding that Acquia provided us during this transitional phase.

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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Open Startup Report #23 – January 2025

Key points Finances Income January has been a good month for income, with a Diamond tier renewal, a new Gold membership and a Community Tier


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