Mautic Open Startup Report #8 – November 2023

Key points

  • New member signup has accelerated this month, but we’re still behind our annual target and need to sign on a few more corporate members in the next month for us to reach our sustainability goals
  • Back your Stack saw us giving a small proportion of our annual budget to five open source projects we depend on
  • We continue to onboard new contributors but we’re very short handed in the Community, Education and Marketing teams.
  • We continue to see a strong growth in domains having Mautic tracking deployed and installs via our Download page and Composer.
  • Three new meetup groups have formed as we continue to encourage the growth of local communities – interested to help? Join the Community Team!


This month we’ve seen several new corporate and individual memberships complete, which has boosted our income.

This is really promising as we’re moving towards the end of the year, and around $45k short of our year-end fundraising target.

I’m in communication with several potential corporate members and continue to work hard to negotiate new memberships with companies who use and rely on Mautic.

In the meantime, it does really help us – and the community governance process – to have lots of individual members, so please do sign up either as a financial contributor, or apply through the practical contribution route.

Read more about that in our Governance Model with details of the perks at each tier on our Become a Member page.

We’re encouraging those who support us through GitHub Sponsors to instead sponsor us directly through Open Collective due to the additional fees and inflexibility, so this amount will reduce over time.

This month saw our annual Back your Stack donation to other open source projects we rely on – read more about it in our blog post here. I believe very strongly that this is an important part of our budget, because without our dependencies we wouldn’t be where we are now with Mautic. By setting an example and showing a small appreciation to those projects, we’re also exemplifying the behaviours that we hope to see in our own community.

My accommodation and visa for the MautiCamp event in Nigeria is included in this month’s expenses (thankfully the flight was only £100 using airline loyalty points!) and we also had some legal fees associated with advising, reviewing and adapting the contract for our trials project.

Our supply of Mautic stickers had run out (we send them to new contributors, and we also give them away at events) so this stock has been replenished in advance of events coming up in the new year. Finally the postage relates to posting swag to our contributors, and to meetup group organisers.


Description Amount
Memberships (corporate) $13,600
Monthly contributions $10,965
Memberships (individual) $610
GitHub Sponsors $489.74
One-time contributions $122.50
Total: $25,787.24

If you’re a company who would like to know more about corporate membership please reach out at [email protected] and I’d be happy to chat further.

If you’re an individual reading this and you’re not yet a member, hop over and join today! Remember that if $100 a year is too much, there is also the option to pro-rate based on where you are registered for tax purposes, check out for the specific rates.

You can also join as an individual on the basis of your practical contributions to Mautic if there’s a consistent history of contributions.


Description Amount
Employment (September) $8721.98
Back your Stack $3,000
Infrastructure $364.15
Host fees $2,574.47
Legal (Contract review) $924
Travel & Expenditure $544.15
Marketing $239.50
Postage $42.66
Total: $17,420.75


Kudos to these organizations that are taking Mautic to great heights and driving our growth! All set to delve into the numbers?

Let’s take a look at the statistics from the last 90 days: Mautic | Last 90 days.

This month’s details available at Mautic | Monthly Report for November 2023.

Want your organization to shine here? Start contributing now!


Most active companies

Webmecanik 149 (⬆️ 47.52%)

Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing 76 (⬆️ 65.22%)

Acquia 75 (⬇️ 57.39%)

Dropsolid 56 (⬇️ 77.60%)

Friendly 44 (⬇️ 49.43%)

Bluespace 39 (⬆️ 85.71%)

rectorphp 35

Twentyzen 34

Codefive 31 (⬇️ 34.04%)

Comarch 26 (⬇️ 7.14%)

Top contributing companies

Webmecanik 33 (⬆️ 65%)

Acquia 32 (⬇️ 38.46%)

rectorphp 11

Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing 11 (⬇️ 26.67%)

Comarch 10 (⬇️ 9.09%)

Dropsolid 9 (⬇️ 67.86%)

Friendly 4 (⬇️ 42.86%)

Matic Zagmajster s.p. 3

PreviousNext 2

ut11 2


Most active contributors

Jan Linhart 70

Zdeno Kuzmany 67

Norman Pracht 48

Joey Keller 44

Ekke Guembel 43

Oluwatobi Owolabi 39

Mattias Michaux 38

Tomas Votruba 35

Avinash Dalvi 35

Dirk Spannaus 34

Jan Kozak 34

Top contributors

Jan Linhart 31

Zdeno Kuzmany 25

Tomas Votruba 11

Mattias Michaux 9

Anna Munk 6

Jan Kozak 5

Patrick Jenkner 5

Patryk Gruszka 4

Joey Keller 4

Matic Zagmeister 3

Welcome to our new contributors this month ?

Mautic Security Team


David Gorges

Lasse Schuirmann

Not Darko

Raoul Wegat


Alexei Pl

Samson Aligba

Top supporters

Joey Keller 3

Matic Zagmeister 3

Jan Linhart 3

Norman Pracht (he/him) 2

Dirk Spannaus 1

Robin Tindall 1

zero477 1

Rafael Platero 1

Supporters are folks who have had conversations with people directly before they make a contribution, so most likely helping with that process.

This month we had 9 new contributors ? (⬆️ 0%) and 62 new members joining the community! ? (⬆️ 0%).

Usage of Mautic

After a significant spike in Q3 we’re continuing to see a rising trend in new deployments of Mautic tracking, with just short of 40,000 active websites with Mautic tracking enabled being reported by

Screenshot of chart showing all active sites by month mautic tracking first detected.


Screenshot of chart showing up and to the right line graph of all active Mautic instances.

Downloads of Mautic through continue to be relatively stable, we’re investigating why we see a substantial dip in unique downloads between Q4 2022 and Q3 2023, which we believe to be due to an issue with our logging rather than a drop in numbers.

Scnreeshot of two line charts showing unique and all downloads.

screenshot of all downloads of Mautic packages via Composer

Community Health

Last month we saw three meetup groups get started, in Barcelona and Valencia, Spain and Douala, Cameroon. It’s great to see more people who want to share their love of Mautic and I’d encourage anyone thinking about organising a meetup near you to fill out the form and kick start the process today!

We continue to have consistently an average of around 150 contributions a month which is really amazing when you consider the growth we’ve seen over the last years, but we’re really struggling to have contributors step up in certain teams, specifically Community, Education and Marketing.

These are vital to the Project’s success and a very important set of skills which we are very much in need of. Please do consider learning more about what these teams do at and perhaps think about volunteering some of your time to support them in the excellent work they’re doing!

In November we also exceeded 7,000 active members within the community! ?

While we’re seeing a lot of new members joining us, we’re also seeing a growing proportion of returning members continuing to engage month-on-month, with our DAU/MAU (Daily active users / Monthly active users) rate having raised from around 7% to 10% across the whole community, and around 14% in the forums.


As the project lead, I’m thrilled about the progress we’ve made, but we’re not quite there yet.

Despite several new memberships, we’re still about $45k short of our fundraising target this year.

We really need more corporate sponsors, and your individual memberships matter a lot to us.

We’re also looking for contributors, particularly in Community, Education, and Marketing. Join our growing community; fuel our journey as we strive to reach our goals.

Whether it’s by joining as a financial member, making practical contributions, or shifting your GitHub sponsorship to the Open Collective, it’s you who breathes life into this project. Let’s make a difference to Mautic together!

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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