Mautic Hangout Recording Available

We get it. things happen and circumstances change plans. The live Mautic Hangout was an incredible experience but don’t feel bad if you missed it. This is your chance.

If for some reason you were unable to attend the recent Mautic Hangout: An Introduction to Marketing Automation & Mautic we have great news. You can watch the entire webinar any time at your convenience. You will find the video from the recent Hangout available on Youtube and embedded below. Grab the popcorn (or maybe a pen and paper for notes) and click play. Pause, rewind, fast forward as you need, whatever helps you learn! But most importantly – enjoy!

Introduction to Marketing Automation Video

Introduction to Marketing Automation Slides

As you watch the video above you may also want to review the slides on their own. Below is an embed of the slideshare. Interested in printing them out or saving a local PDF? No problem, just click the link and view or download them directly on Slideshare.

Next Time

We hope you enjoy the video and presentation. If you have an opportunity to join us live on the next Hangout we’d love to see you!

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