Mautic 3.3: Building Blocks for Success

Today we make available the third minor release in the 3.x series which includes features and improvements for both developers and marketers, in addition to bug fixes. Welcome to the 3.3 updates!

Here are the details of the features, enhancements, and bug fixes. For more information and a full list of changes please refer to the Release Notes.

New features

End-user facing changes

Modern Email and Landing Page Builder

This release includes the first release of a modern Email and Landing Page builder. It’s much better than the legacy builder with responsive design, drag & drop blocks, MJML templates, and a fair bit more. You’ve asked for it and, thanks to the donated code from Webmecanik, it delivers on one major strategic initiative which was announced at MautiCon 2020. This modern builder is based on the GrapesJS Open Source framework.

Learn more about the new builder in our Documentation.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project. Special thanks to Webmecanik for all their hard work in creating and contributing this amazing new builder and contributing the blank theme; to Joey from Friendly Automate for donating three email themes to the Community, and to Adrian Schimpf from idea2 and Alex Hammerschmied from for their work in leading the project.

And of course a really big thank you to all the contributors who have helped to bring this project to this point, many of whom are listed in our release notes.

Starter templates

You now have a handful of new modern email templates to get started with the new Email and Landing Page builder as soon as this new version is installed. Keep an eye out for more MJML and HTML templates to come.

Segment Categories

Organising and categorising Segments is no longer a chore for those that have a large number of Segments. Now, the built-in Category feature has been extended to include Segments. You can choose Segment Categories as well. This helps you to organise your segments better.

Send report now

Knowing what is happening and creating amazing reports is the cornerstone of great marketing. Some reports take a while to run (especially with large databases) and this new feature allows you to have the report sent to you as an attachment without waiting to be generated and displayed.

More granular control over email ‘from’ settings

If a Contact is assigned an Owner, you can now force the Owner’s email/name to be used as the sender on a per-email basis instead of using the global system-wide email address.

Enhanced progressive profiling for forms

With this release we have added some great features to improve progressive profiling available for use with forms. This includes the ability to queue unlimited fields, show only a specified number of fields, set a field to always show even if the value is known, and to add cross-form support for progressive profiling.

Background processing of Custom Fields

With larger instances, adding a new custom field can be a very resource-intensive process, sometimes leading to timeout errors and problems with the field not being fully added before it is available for use.

There is now the option to run this process in the background, triggered by a cron job.

Purge Maxmind data commands for CCPA compliance

Two new cron jobs have been added to download the Do Not Sell list from Maxmind and purge the data from your Mautic instance.

Developer-facing changes

Support for PHP 7.2 dropped

In line with the warnings we have been displaying in Mautic instances on PHP 7.2 since the 3.2.5 release, we have now dropped support for this outdated version. 7.3 and 7.4 are fully supported and work is in progress to support PHP 8.0.

DDEV first-run experience

DDEV support allows for quickly spinning up a Mautic Instance so you can dive into Mautic, its APIs, and test test test.

With Mautic v3.3.x, this developer’s first-run experience is minutes away.

Once a developer has cloned the Mautic repository from Github, they can get started with one single command – `ddev start` – at the command line to install and configure a working Mautic instance.

The same has been implemented for the API Library, which will configure the API Library, API testing tool and a linked Mautic instance for you to test with.

Starting today, DDEV support improves the testing process for contributors.

Improvements to webhook processing & new events added

There are issues with webhook processing when there are too many events to send. It is now possible to add a configured time limit to stop processing webhooks after the limit is hit which prevents timeouts when there are large volumes of events being processed.

There have also been improvements in query optimisation and a new index that speeds up the query even more, and two new events added – email and SMS send.

Custom reschedule interval for campaigns

When a specific event fails it is now possible to reschedule with a different interval (faster) than the default interval (1h).

A subscriber can now set the interval as the 3rd argument: $pendingEvent->fail($log, $reason, new DateInterval(‘PT5M’)); // Reschedule the event in 5 minutes.

Updated Cache Bundle

The new cache bundle enables the developer to use the common Symfony caching mechanism with tag-aware adapters. It implements FS, Memcache and Redis adapters.

Bug fixes

There are 12 bug fixes in this release:

  • Avoid using requestStack->getCurrentRequest() in constructor #9667
  • Fix Uncaught ReferenceError: mauticEnv is not defined from dashaboard.js #9652
  • Fix custom contact column from any group #9649
  • Fix integration config validation – 2 #9642
  • Fixed impossible statement #9637
  • Fix PHP Notice on show_php_version_warning_if_under #9622
  • fix timeline on sms #9578
  • missing table prefix on campaign repository #9575
  • Notification header size #9569
  • Bug report graph line leads #9547
  • remove unrelevant filters for dynamic content #9260
  • Fix IP lookup bug #9670

Want to see more features and bug fixes?

There were many more features that we had wanted to include in this release and unfortunately we did not have enough people helping to test them to allow us to include them in this release.

If you would like to see more features and bug fixes making their way into Mautic, now is the time to step up and help us with this ongoing task.

You don’t need to be technical (although if you are, we have plenty to keep you busy!), or even to have your own test instance. Anybody who uses Mautic can help, and even one hour of your time could mean the difference between a feature or bug fix making it into the next release or not.

Please join #t-product on Slack and consider making some time to help give back to Mautic!

We now have a regular monthly Friday/Saturday sprint the weekend before we ship the Release Candidate where we work together on any remaining tasks to close the milestone – the next dates are provided below and can be found on the Mautic Community Calendar.


Sprint: 12-13 March 2021
Release Candidate: 15th March 2021
General Availability: 22nd March 2021


Sprint: 16-17 April 2021
Release Candidate: 19th April 2021
General Availability: 26th April 2021


Final Sprint: 14-15 May 2021
Release Candidate: 17th May 2021
General Availability: 24th May 2021

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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