Introducing Mautic’s New Community Portal: Your Hub for Collaboration and Engagement

We’re incredibly excited to announce the launch of our new Community Portal – a unified platform that aims to bring our entire community closer, fostering enhanced collaboration and engagement! We’ve built the platform using the awesome open source tool Decidim with the support from the lovely folks at Octree.

Join the community portal today!

A central home for our community

Over the last four years, our teams, working groups, meetup groups, initiatives and governance processes have grown. 

Contribution has always been the driving force behind our community, but it’s often been difficult to know what is going on, and how to get involved. Today, we take another leap forward in our mission by bringing these amazing entities together in one place, allowing everyone in the community to know what’s going on across the project, and more importantly, to get involved.

Our Community Portal is the central spot to stay up to date with what’s happening in our thriving Mautic community. Be it discussions around new features, exciting projects and meetings from different teams, upcoming meetups, or the latest nomination processes for the council, you’ll find it all here.

Over the coming months we will be sunsetting our costly pro account, and moving all our meetups over to the community portal.  This will lift the financial limits we have on creating new meetup groups, which cost us $30 per group per month.  The savings will go towards the infrastructure costs for the Community Portal and also toward a marketing budget for the meetups working group to help promote local in-person events.

How to get involved

Getting involved is easier than ever before. Log into the Community Portal with your Mautic forums credentials or create a new account, and dive right into the vibrant discussions, share your perspectives, contribute to proposals, or simply get to know other members of the community. The portal is designed to ensure every voice is heard, and every idea is valued. Freely participate, share your knowledge, and learn from others in this thriving community.

As an open source product, the code is on GitHub, so if you spot any issues or want to help us with running the platform, check out the Community Portal repository.  It’s built on Ruby.  You can also help by translating the content, please drop us a line in #translations on Slack to get started with that!

Members only features

Kindly remember, while participation is open to all, certain areas of the portal like the General Assembly or the option to nominate proposals for the council will require being a member. This policy helps maintain a structured approach to decision-making and maintaining the integrity of our communal beliefs and values. You can become a member for $100 per year, or a prorated amount based on where you are registered for tax purposes – read more here.

Be a part of Mautic’s future!

The Community Portal is an embodiment of our commitment to the strong and encouraging community that Mautic has always been. Each group, each member, and each discussion shapes our collective journey towards better, innovative solutions. By pooling our strengths in this new platform, we aim to spark creativity, encourage participation, and fuel learning – everything that makes Mautic, truly Mautic.

We strongly believe that this central platform will enhance your engagement with Mautic, ensuring your ideas, perspectives, and contributions are effortlessly recognized and implemented.

So, we invite you to dive right into this new Community Portal, and explore the various conversations, projects, and discussions happening around. Let’s keep the conversation going; let’s continue learning from one another, and let’s keep shaping Mautic into software that makes a difference.

Join us, and be part of this exciting new chapter in our shared Mautic journey!

Join the community portal today!

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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