Mautic Summer Games 2016

Mautic is an incredible international community. And each member has unique value. There are meetup organizers, developers, users and translators from all over the globe. Every single person has made an incredible contribution to bring Mautic to where it is today. We wanted to continue to celebrate that contribution by hosting our very own Mautic Summer Games!

As training for the Rio Olympics  gets underway, we see the immense work that is done by these athletes in preparation for the games. In a similar manner, each of us works hard to compete in today’s business world. We plan, organize, implement and deploy new ideas. Although our environment may not be an open stadium, it is certainly an open marketplace. And unlike the real Olympics where only a single person is rewarded with a medal, everyone wins when you contribute to an open source project like Mautic.

Who can participate?

According to Olympic records, Cecilia Colledge was the youngest female competitor in the Olympics. She was only 11YO.  The oldest to ever compete? Arthur von Pongracz of Austria, who was 72. We’d like to approach the Mautic Summer Games in a same manner. We believe everyone has worth and value. That you can contribute and participate to this community in some way shape or form. So we’re excited to open up the competition to developers/creators/designers of all ages.

What are the events?

In preparation for the Mautic Summer Games we wanted to give you a rundown of all the different events that we will be offering. Regardless of your skill level or expertise, everyone should be able to participate.

UPDATED: Scoring for events


Mautic is used all over the globe. It’s because of partners all over the world who believe in what we’re trying to accomplish. Do you speak English and your native language? Your country’s businesses are depending on you to open them up to a whole new world of connecting with their customers.

  • Skill: Translating Mautic codebase: 1,000 points
    • Go to Transifex to join the translation team.
  • Skill: Translating Mautic website: (contact us at [email protected]) 1,000 points
    • Menus
    • All Pages
    • *Excluding Blog Posts
  • Skill: Translating Mautic blog articles: 50 points/article


Do you speak in 1’s and 0’s? Do you know more about pull requests and databases than you do about relationships? Put your knowledge to work as we seek the best of the best to develop more powerful integrations, functions and features. Go to our Github page to participate!

  • Skill: Writing Code 250-1,000 points/issue
  • Skill: Testing functionality 50-100 points/test
  • Skill: Integration Development 1,000 points


Everyone knows that no person is an island. It takes a team to be successful. Are you a seasoned digital marketer? Have you thought about sharing your experience with the next generation? Create your own support articles and How-To videos and post them to social media or in response to a question.

  • Skill: Troubleshooting & idea generation: 25 points/answer
    • Answer questions in Slack – must be acknowledged by asker as answer to challenge
    • Answer questions in the Forums – must be acknowledged by asker as answer to challenge
  • Skill: Create support articles: 500 points
  • Skill: Create How-To videos: (example) 500 points


This isn’t as easy as it seems. We’re not talking about tweets pointing your followers to (although we would appreciate it). Do you have a large following? Bonus points. What do you share? We’re talking about blog posts and videos, real marketing. We’ll be monitoring Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and other social networks for who is tagging and referencing Mautic.

  • Skill: Social media sharing (Facebook & Twitter mentions): 10 points
  • Skill: Hosting a new Mautic meetup (setup on 500 points
  • Skill: Create marketing articles mentioning Mautic: (example) 500 points
  • Skill: Create marketing videos mentioning Mautic: 500 points


Marketing without design is like peanut butter without the jelly. Do you have what it takes to design the most engaging email or landing page? Put your skills to the test and let’s see if your designs meet the challenge. Post/share/tag the most creative marketing email, landing page or other marketing pieces you’ve created, and tag Mautic. The opportunity for creativity points are endless!

  • Skill: Email & landing page design: 500-1,000 points
  • Skill: Infographic: 500 points
  • Skill: Promotional Pieces: 100-500 points

When do the Mautic Summer Games start/end?

Our Summer Games will run the entire month of August. So as you’re watching the Rio Olympics take some time to contribute to an international phenomenon that is disrupting an entire industry. When you participate in these summer games, you also add value to others.

What’s in it for me?

Our undying gratitude! ? Aside from the knowledge that you receive by helping people move horizons, there will be prizes! Be on the lookout for more detail on as we design our scoring system and determine the prizes. Also keep in mind there will be prizes for country participation! Do you have colleagues that are willing and able to participate? Invite them to join in on the games!

By holding this fun-filled event, we hope to show the world that an inspired community, gathered around a common ideal, can change the way we communicate. And that given the proper tools and inspiration, we can create an open space where creative ideas can be  shared and horizons can be moved.

UPDATE: Summer Games Prizes

We’ve created our very own Mautic Summer Games swag bags! Proudly display your contribution to Mautic as you collect points to contribute to one of the fastest growing open source projects in the world. There will be a different set of swag for gold, silver and bronze, so do your best!

UPDATE: Rules of the Games

We’d like to request that all content produced or developed be done during the timing of the games (the month of August). Please no recycling of content that has already been created. We encourage everyone who is participating do use creativity and innovation when applying their talents to each of these events.

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