Mautic demonstrates commitment to open source dependencies with annual Back your Stack donations

It’s that wonderful time of year again – Giving Tuesday – when we at Mautic get the opportunity to show our appreciation to the open source community. This tradition of ours is going strong, and for 2023 we’re happy to announce a total donation of $3000, or $250 per month. This represents 7.5% of our regular monthly income.

Open source is at the heart of Mautic. It gives us room to experiment, exchange ideas, and collaborate to create a platform that we are proud of. Now, we want to give back in our little way.

Sharing the Love

So, how are we splitting this pool of gratitude? 

The Core Team has selected five open source projects that help Mautic become what it is today. Each project will receive a cool $600 as a one-time donation. It is our way of saying thank you and ensuring that these projects continue their excellent work.

The projects we are supporting this year include:

  • Doctrine, which underpins much of Mautic’s codebase
  • Composer, which is becoming the default way to install Mautic and plugins/themes
  • Guzzle, which is used for handling all the HTTP requests in Mautic
  • PHPSTAN, which is a central part of improving our code quality and highlighting bugs
  • Rector, which has been an invaluable resource in helping us to update and improve our outdated, legacy code

Our Shared Open Source Future

But let’s be clear, these donations are not about charity. They are about acknowledging the critical roles these projects play and about actively investing in the future of the open source ecosystem we all love and depend on.

Through this contribution, we want to promote the spirit of sharing and learning that open source holds dear. After all, our success only holds value if we can uplift the community that made Mautic possible in the first place.

Inspiring Collaboration

Year after year, with this giving gesture, our aim remains to inspire. By supporting the amazing projects that we depend on, we hope to stir up the spirit of generosity and camaraderie in the open source community.

It’s more than just about money. It’s about painting the bigger picture of mutual support and shared responsibility that forms the backbone of open source principles.

In wrapping up, we want to say a big thank you to our community for your continued support of Mautic. We are excited to see how these five projects use our donations to expand their horizons and continue to foster growth in our remarkable open source ecosystem. 

If you want to ensure that Mautic is able to continue to grow and thrive, why not become a member yourself – as an individual and as a company – this Giving Tuesday. It’s a great way to help secure our future and give something back to the project you depend on.

Let’s keep the tradition of giving alive and ensure we make the Open Source philosophy a standard, not an exception!

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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