Mautic Conference Europe 2021 – Our first in-person conference

Finally, the long wait had an end: the Mautic Community came together the 8th and 9th of November in Hasselt, Belgium for the first ever in-person conference – Mautic Conference Europe. 

The event started with a very promising and informative Conference Day. Around 25 attendees had the possibility to listen to 9 speakers from 6 different countries and 3 different continents. Just imagine how much global Mautic expertise came together in this event!

The talks were hitting a wide range of topics:

  • Mohammad Abu Musa explained how we can use Mautic to maintain Email deliverability 
  • Alex Hammerschmied gave valuable insights to a real-life case on how to turn leads into returning customers 
  • Madlen Friedrich and Ekkehard Gümbel talked about print mailings as part of Mautic campaigns, and why companies should include them into their marketing strategy
  • Project Lead Ruth Cheesley discussed the results of the Mautic Community Survey and gave a preview of what to expect in 2022 and beyond
  • Dennis Ameling presented the long desired, new Mautic Marketplace
  • Toon De Geest and Frederik Wouters explained how they built a fully autonomous personalised email system with Drupal & Mautic 
  • And last but not least, Andy Towne shared practical steps for advancing from newsletter to fully automated Marketing Automation

Thanks again to all speakers for sharing their knowledge with the Mautic Community! 

In case you missed the event, you might want to follow Mautic on Social Media to not miss a possible release of the recordings.

Community day

The following day was a community sprint day, planned as a hybrid event. So, folks were working on-premise at Corda Campus in Hasselt as well as remotely covering topics from all our teams. There has been a lot of progress! (And a massive pizza order :D)

  • Product: 62 PR’s got ready to commit and have been merged already for Mautic 
  • Marketing: Draft of a pitch deck for Mautic including cases studies, and commenced a review of the website 
  • Community: Concept for Local Mautic Communities, blueprint for ‘Contribution Bootcamp’
  • Education: Several knowledgebase articles have been written

For all of us it was a pleasure to finally meet so many members of the Mautic Family in person and get to know more about them and their journey with Mautic. This made the event very inspiring and motivating as one could really feel the passion about Open Source from the participants. 

Project Lead Ruth Cheesley summed it up as:

“a really wonderful few days full of energy, excitement, collaboration and enthusiasm!”

If you feel inspired and motivated now as well, help us make Mautic even better and contribute in whatever way you can. Have a look here

Pssst.. don’t want to miss the next event? Sign in for the newsletter here

Our sponsors for the Mautic Conference Europe were: 

Acquia (Gold Sponsor)

Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing (Bronze Sponsor)

Email expert (Lanyard Sponsor)

Dropsolid (Community Day Lunch Sponsor)

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