Today marks 60 days from the announcement that Mautic would become a fully independent open source project – you might be wondering what has been happening in that time.
Here’s an update from the Community Leadership Team of where we’re at.
Trademark ownership
We have completed the transfer of trademarks from Acquia to Open Source Collective, who are holding them on behalf of the Mautic project.
This includes the registered trademarks and also all the domains that Acquia held relating to Mautic.
Governance updates
When we made the announcement back on 18th April, we shared that our next steps were as follows:
- Share update with Mautic community
- Research and review proposals for Mautic’s new organization structure and governance model
- Finalize governance proposal and share with community
- Implement new structure and governance model ⬅️ we are now here
We have had extensive discussions within the Mautic Community in the Governance Working Group about what we wanted to see when it came to a governance model in Mautic.
This resulted in sharing a proposal on the 16th May which we held open for review, debate and alteration over a month on the Mautic Forums. Next, we shared a final version which we proposed to adopt and had another week where people could comment and make suggestions.
In the current governance model, we had not made provision for changing the model itself, so we discussed how best to approach the formal side of adopting a new model.
It was determined that the best approach would be for the existing Community Council to vote to adopt the new model, which was completed a week after the review period was closed.
We are now in the process of implementing all the infrastructure, tooling and workflows that are going to be needed to support the new governance model. We will be sharing more in due course.
Introducing the Mautic General Assembly
A key aspect of the new governance model is the General Assembly.
The General Assembly is:
… where decisions are taken on everything that has to do with the governance of the project.
It will meet in ordinary on a yearly basis, and will be held online to ensure we make it as accessible as possible to the largest audience base.
Becoming a member of the General Assembly
There are three ways that you can become a member of the General Assembly:
- As an individual contributor by
- Financially supporting the project at an annual rate of $100 per year or adjusted to your country rate in accordance with the Big Mac Index (see the rates here)
- Practically contributing and self-certifying at least 6 months of contributing 5 hours per month (approx 1 hour per week)
- As a corporate member by financially contributing on an annual basis at the amounts determined by the tiers
- As an honorary member proposed by the community for outstanding lifetime contributions to Mautic
These tiers will be established on Open Collective shortly.
Benefits of membership
Individual contributors, companies and honorary members will have one vote each for any motions which are put to a vote.
There will also be perks available to members at different levels which we will be sharing soon.
Implementing a community hub
We will be implementing a community hub which will be the central place for all things community from making decisions to team and working group meetings, leadership and council elections, meetup groups and more.
We will be kick-starting the process to get everything set up during the community sprint in Vienna from 20-22 July (option to join remotely) so if you would like to join us please be sure to register!