Announcing Mautic Conference 2021

Did you attend last year’s Mautic Conference, our first fully-virtual edition? If not, you should head over to the recordings on YouTube … We absolutely loved the event!
Even better: The next edition is already in the making. And we now have a date: The global Mautic Conference 2021 will take place on June 16th-17th.

We are now running this online conference over two days instead of one, and we will still be across all time zones of our global community. Moreover, we will once again have the main tracks in English, but offer multiple additional tracks in other languages.

Please support this event! As part of the organization team, as a sponsor, or of course by submitting a talk as a speaker – see below for details.

About the Mautic Conference

The Mautic Community is holding this global event to help everyone in being successful with Mautic – as an agency, business or individual that uses and loves Mautic.
We’re bringing together end-users, translators, organisers, executives, marketers, editors, content strategists, designers, developers, and more.

There will be tracks to cover a range of topics and areas of interest including:

  • Growing a business with Mautic
  • Using Mautic with eCommerce
  • Scaling and optimising Mautic
  • Developing with Mautic
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Automation Best Practice
  • Open Source
  • Community

Be Part of the Team

The Mautic Community team needs your help!

If you can donate some hours in helping to prepare the event (e.g. in organization, marketing the event, communication, design, working with sponsors, reviewing proposed sessions, reaching out to potential sponsors and more) or in running the event (e.g. leading a track, creating video assets, moderating the event, supporting speakers, managing the helpdesk and community booth, and more), any help is appreciated.

Please do get in touch – e.g. by email at [email protected] with the subject ‘I want to help with Mautic Conference Global 2021’ and join #mauticon on Slack.

Sign up for Mautic Chat on Slack

Tickets, and Call for Speakers

Ticket sales are not yet open. The link will be added here when published.

Speaker applications will be accepted from March 1st.

Submit your session

For non-English talks, we suggest using our per-language forum categories for coordination, to make sure we have enough talks in your language to allow for a dedicated track.

Coordinate non-English tracks via the Forums

Sponsorship Options – Now Open

We have a number of sponsorship options that will put you in contact with Mautic developers and users including marketers and agencies. Sponsoring the Mautic Conference is a great way to raise your profile within the community ecosystem, and give back to Mautic in a tangible way.

Sponsoring Mautic Conference 2021

What About an In-Person Mautic Conference?

We love the fact that the all-virtual Mautic Conference allows Mautic communities from all around the world to be an equal part of the same event. And if anything, we want to intensify this experience, so we are absolutely embracing this virtual format for the future. 

At the same time, we do believe that networking, human relationships, even friendship will still matter in the future and can not be fully compensated by any online formats.

So, we do believe in in-person events, and want to have them back as soon as is safe and responsible to do so.

That said, here is our proposal for in-person events in the near future:
One official in-person Mautic Conference per year, in Q4, in one certain part of the world that changes every year (e.g. “Mautic Conference North America”, “Mautic Conference Asia”, …)
Additional official in-person Mautic events that are organized by our local communities 

Time will tell whether or not this will be possible in 2021. However, we are currently tentatively looking for a date and venue for this year. Interested in being part of this project? Please do get in touch – e.g. by email at [email protected] with the subject ‘I am interested in organising in-person events’

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Picture of Ekkehard Gümbel

Ekkehard Gümbel

Council member and Team lead at Mautic --- CEO & Co-Founder, Head of Mautic Services at Leuchtfeuer GmbH

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