Announcing the Mautic Community Partners Program

The Mautic Community Partners Program showcases organizations that are contributing to Mautic – both financially and practically – so that members of the community can find service providers who are ‘makers’ rather than ‘takers’ to work with. These organizations represent the ideals of providing ongoing contributions that open source software rely upon.

We are today launching the Mautic Community Partners Portal which features five partners who are both regular financial contributors to the Mautic project and have a history of active contribution in the community.

How do organizations become a partner?

There are two elements that we consider when reviewing an application to join the Partners Programme, both relate to whether the organization is supporting the community.

Financial Contribution

It is required that all Community Partners are financially supporting the growth of the Mautic community on a monthly basis. This can be through our Open Collective or through Github Sponsors.

Recognizing that there are huge differences around the world of affordability, we have decided to use the “Big Mac Index” to set the monthly contribution level that is required based on the geographic location of the organization’s headquarters.

This means that for organizations based in the USA, the requirement in April 2021 would be $100 per month, and if you are located in India this would be INR 3357 or roughly $45.96 per month, whereas European countries would be contributing €75, approximately $90.

We have all the countries listed on this spreadsheet from the official Big Mac Index released by The Economist, and if your country is not listed, just send us a pic of you with the price of a Big Mac in your country (or let us know of a comparable country if they are not sold in your location) and we can let you know the contribution that would be needed to qualify.

We do appreciate that this is not a perfect measure, but we hope that it at least allows us to make sure that there is some fairness when it comes to the financial thresholds.

Practical Contributions

Of course money is not everything, and in fact contributing to Mautic in practical ways, whether that might be through code contributions, leading a team, organizing official events or meetups, contributing to the Documentation resources that we have or working on tasks in one of our five Community Teams are all vital to the growth of our community.

For this reason, organizations who are wishing to become and maintain their status as a Mautic Community Partner must demonstrate regular, meaningful contributions to the Mautic Community from their staff.

We measure this in several ways including through the Community Dashboard, reviewing team activity, and engagement in the various projects that teams are running.

Organizations who are not able to demonstrate a consistent contribution history are asked to spend a few months working actively within the community before their application will be considered.

Ranking of organizations

We will be ranking the listings in the Partners Program by their activity over the previous month, with the top three partners listed on the homepage of with links to their Partner page.

How do I become a Mautic Community Partner?

Become a monthly sponsor

The first step is to start financially contributing to Mautic on a monthly basis if you do not already. To do this you can either sponsor Mautic on Github, or you can back us on the Mautic Open Collective. You will find the required minimum amount on the spreadsheet – please get in touch if your country is not listed.

Become a consistent contributor

Once you have started contributing financially, take a look at where you are currently contributing to Mautic.

If you are not currently doing so, we recommend dropping a message in the #community channel on Slack giving an idea of the resources that you have available and the kind of things that you would like to get involved in.

We need every kind of skill from development to marketers, documentation writers, project managers, technical writers, designers – basically you bring the skills and we will find a place to put them to great use!

After you have been actively contributing in both financial and practical terms to Mautic for at least 3 months as an organization, please fill out this form. Be sure to include the name of your team members as this is how we will check on the contribution history!

We will review the application and get back to you as soon as we can.


Thank you to the following for their input on this article and in the development of the Partners Program: Mautic Community Leadership Team, David Schargle, Dries Buytaert

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Picture of Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and flautist (but not at the same time!) and is based in the East of England.

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