Q3 2022 Mautic Community Roundup
Another action-packed quarter has passed, let’s dive into a roundup of what we’ve been up to!
Another action-packed quarter has passed, let’s dive into a roundup of what we’ve been up to!
We are excited to announce that the new Mautic Community Knowledgebase has now launched, and can be found in both English and German, at https://kb.mautic.org.
Work on Mautic 5 is well underway, this post explains the expected release schedule.
We are delighted to announce that Sales Snap has joined the Mautic Community Partners Program.
Let’s kick off a roundup of all the awesome things that have happened this quarter!
Last month several members of the Mautic Community gathered in Budapest for a three-day community-wide sprint. Great progress was made in all teams – read on to learn more!
Today we are delighted to share that Acquia has completed the process of open sourcing the Custom Objects plugin, a proprietary extension which was developed by Mautic Inc. in 2018 and has been a part of Acquia’s Campaign Studio since the acquisition in 2019.
Our first ever Mautic Developer Days event, co-located within the Drupal Developer Days event in Ghent, Belgium was a success.
Let’s kick off a roundup of all the awesome things that have happened this quarter!
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