The Missing Piece in Lead Management
This in-depth guide will help you identify ways to improve your lead management. Walk through ways to help nurture, manage, and convert leads.
This in-depth guide will help you identify ways to improve your lead management. Walk through ways to help nurture, manage, and convert leads.
This Mautic Tip of the Week is focused on form actions and how to implement forms in campaigns and as standalone forms.
This infographic will help walk you through creating a drip campaign and the steps you need to take to be successful.
A key aspect of every marketer’s toolkit is campaign building and constructing a successful marketing campaign strategy. This in-depth article will help
You simply must focus on creating mobile landing pages when building your marketing strategy. Here are 4 quick tips to help you as you create landing pages.
Mautic Tip of the Week: A super-cool inside scoop for dynamically inserting lead fields in your emails. Automatic emails can still be personal.
Mautic is proud to announce a partnership with BrowserStack for our open source developers. BrowserStack is committed to the success of Mautic’s vision.
We are incredibly excited, as a community, to be able to announce publicly our acceptance as an affiliate member of the Open Source Initiative.
Announcing a new release of Mautic, version 1.1, with features and bug-fixes a-plenty!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
MAUTIC is a trademark of the Mautic project of the Open Source Collective.
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