Everyone gets excited when a new version of Mautic is released. We all rush to the website to see what all has been added or fixed. In a way it’s a bit like Christmas morning (if you celebrate that holiday I’m sure you understand). That rush of excitement, the eager anticipation, and unwrapping the new features as you start to read. But there’s something that gets overlooked. Someone had to write that article. Someone had to compile the new features, organize the thoughts and create a post that you can read. In the Mautic community that person is Jeff Seevers. With each new release he works behind the scenes, taking a list of features and bug fixes and crafting them into a story. And we have all benefited from his hard work.
Maybe it wasn’t a new release announcement where you first ran into Jeff. That’s easy to imagine because he stays busy in so many different areas of the Mautic community, whether it was the forums, the social media channels, or the Slack channels you could find Jeff working, talking, always looking for ways to empower people and encourage volunteers.
Wherever you may have met Jeff I am sure it was a memorable moment. He’s been a friendly face around Mautic for a good part of the last year. And because of that familiarity it makes the future a little bit harder. I am both a little sad and also excited to share that Jeff will be moving on from Mautic to other things. I’m saddened because the Mautic community will lose a powerful advocate and a strong voice in the day to day Mautic dealings. But I’m excited because even as Jeff seeks out a new challenge in a different role I know Mautic will continue to be a part of his life. His dedication and commitment to what we are doing in Mautic will not end simply due to a change in his title or company.
This gives me the opportunity to share with you a thought that I hope will remain with you long after you finish reading this post. Your company, your “day job” does not limit you from being a part of the Mautic community. Our community is full of incredible individuals volunteering their time when they have it. Don’t be discouraged because you have other obligations. Mautic is the community you can be a part of without sacrificing your other jobs. In fact, Mautic is built on the foundation of those who contribute and volunteer as their time permits. And isn’t that the real message to remember?
And so I hope you will join me in thanking Jeff for all his hard work in Mautic and celebrate the beauty of an open source community where everyone can volunteer and take part in a leadership role.
Oh, and just in case you’re thinking about it but not quite sure…yes, there’s a volunteer community position now open. If you’re interested in playing a bigger part in Mautic and joining the leadership team in this capacity (or some other) – please reach out and let someone know. Whether it’s me, or Jeff, or someone else, I encourage you to not be shy. Be bold, step up, and find out how fulfilling a leadership position can be.
Jeff, we wish you the best in your next career and we’re thankful you’ll still be a part of the Mautic community no matter where your journey takes you!